Extra Stuff
My Rules were simple:
No Drugs, No Gangs, No Fighting, No Hacking, Nothing Illegal, No Stupid Shit, Grades must be “C” or above, High School Diploma’s only and if I ask for help or to see your Grades, you will comply. Having a goal of a GED is and was not acceptable.
These had to be agreed to before entering the garage, anyone that fell below a “C”, everyone in the Garage did homework and tutored each other. Anyone having a “hard time”, everyone in the LAN helped each other out as they could.
Having a simple website running to have the rules, steps on how to reset PC’s, links for software to download, info on game servers running, ect. is highly recommended.
Taking courses for Network Administration, System Administrator, A+, N+, S+, CEH, Linux, Microsoft Products, Protocols, Security and Firewalls is highly recommended and will only help in making the LAN a better experience for everyone!
CompTia (official certifications)
Peripherals & Extra Extra Stuff
Network Printers, laser, just get one for cheap quick prints for people at the LAN.
3D Printers are always fun to have around. People’s imaginations will run wild and you can connect one to the network like MakerBot 3D printers.
A spare table or two for people to put their stuff on and/or play board games, card games, building cosplay stuff, is a huge plus and having a few games around like Chess, Jenga, Legos, a deck of cards is huge too.
Keeping a spare keyboard(s), mouse(s), headset(s), Power Cable(s), 20′ Ethernet Cable(s) and a small monitor(s) is great for those that might be a bit forgetful. With all the people and testing we have done on keyboard and mice combos, the Logitech K120 keyboard/mouse combo is $20 and as durable as a tank. We never had one break or stop working from food spillage on/in it.
Razer Kraken Headset
Logitech K120 keyboard/mouse combo
Power Cable
Ethernet cord 20′ long because most festivals and conventions require bringing your own 20′ ethernet cable.
Having 1 or 2 extra PC’s stored away is great for newbies that just want to experience the LAN or regulars that can’t bring their PC due to whatever. I have called them “loaners” with no windows on the cases, top tier hardware and they were not preferred. A case with a window and low to mid grade hardware was preferred. Lastly, calling them “Extra’s” or “Spares” was preferred over “Loaner” or “Rental” PC. The window cases with maybe an LED light on the right side of the player so they can look in and see the PC working while they are gaming, makes for the best experience!
ASUS NUC Highly recommend using Gaming NUC’s as they are small, powerful, energy efficient, easy to store, portable and just straight AWESOME! We LOVE our NUC’s!
TIP: I still use slim NUC’s to run the game servers and use one as a stream pc!
Keeping an Art Tablet on hand for people to plug into their PC’s to create/draw digital media is recommended too. The Favorite for us was the Huion Kamvas art tablet.
Head over to Resources for a list of compiled software and websites collected and utilized in my LAN.
Server Hardware
There is nothing wrong with using consumer grade hardware or repurposing “old” hardware. The 42U server rack I bought was because there were just to many towers being setup around the garage and the workbench was full of towers. I highly recommend watching a few YouTube videos on N+ and Server+ before buying old server hardware or new hardware. This can get very expensive very fast and you have to consider what you’re going to do with your old hardware.
Buying a 42U 4-post rack and 4U server chassis to put your old hardware in is highly recommended as I never had an issue putting my consumer hardware in one, just make sure it can accommodate your PSU and check the length of the chassis. After the hardware transfer is complete and 4U chassis’ are installed in the rack, you’ll have a lot more room in your LAN.
Last but not Least…
If you have actually gotten this far in your LAN Build:
1. Post Pics in our Discord!
2. Having fold up tables, chairs, insulation and HVAC is awesome for folding everything up along the walls and changing your cars oil in the dead heat of summer in your HVAC’d, insulated, well lit, garage!